Kaltura API

Update live stream entry. Only the properties that were set will be updated.
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
entryId string Live stream entry id to update V
liveStreamEntry KalturaLiveStreamEntry Live stream entry metadata to update V
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ entryId: "value", liveStreamEntry: { objectType: "KalturaLiveStreamEntry", offlineMessage: "value", recordStatus: value, dvrStatus: value, dvrWindow: value, lastElapsedRecordingTime: value, liveStreamConfigurations: [{ objectType: "KalturaLiveStreamConfiguration", protocol: "value", url: "value", publishUrl: "value", backupUrl: "value", streamName: "value" }], recordedEntryId: "value", pushPublishEnabled: value, publishConfigurations: [{ objectType: "KalturaLiveStreamPushPublishConfiguration", publishUrl: "value", backupPublishUrl: "value", port: "value" }], currentBroadcastStartTime: value, recordingOptions: { objectType: "KalturaLiveEntryRecordingOptions", shouldCopyEntitlement: value, shouldCopyScheduling: value, shouldCopyThumbnail: value, shouldMakeHidden: value }, segmentDuration: value, bitrates: [{ objectType: "KalturaLiveStreamBitrate", bitrate: value, width: value, height: value, tags: "value" }], primaryBroadcastingUrl: "value", secondaryBroadcastingUrl: "value", primaryRtspBroadcastingUrl: "value", secondaryRtspBroadcastingUrl: "value", streamName: "value", streamUrl: "value", hlsStreamUrl: "value", urlManager: "value", encodingIP1: "value", encodingIP2: "value", streamPassword: "value" } }