Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id int
name string V
website string V
notificationUrl string V
appearInSearch int V
createdAt int
adminName string V deprecated - lastName and firstName replaces this field
adminEmail string V
description string V
commercialUse KalturaCommercialUseType V
landingPage string V
userLandingPage string V
contentCategories string V
type KalturaPartnerType V
phone string V
describeYourself string V
adultContent bool V
defConversionProfileType string V
notify int V
status KalturaPartnerStatus
allowQuickEdit int V
mergeEntryLists int V
notificationsConfig string V
maxUploadSize int V
partnerPackage int
secret string
adminSecret string
cmsPassword string
allowMultiNotification int V
adminLoginUsersQuota int
adminUserId string V
firstName string V firstName and lastName replace the old (deprecated) adminName
lastName string V lastName and firstName replace the old (deprecated) adminName
country string V country code (2char) - this field is optional
state string V state code (2char) - this field is optional
additionalParams array of KalturaKeyValue V
publishersQuota int
partnerGroupType KalturaPartnerGroupType
defaultEntitlementEnforcement bool
defaultDeliveryType string
defaultEmbedCodeType string
deliveryTypes array of KalturaPlayerDeliveryType
embedCodeTypes array of KalturaPlayerEmbedCodeType
templatePartnerId int
ignoreSeoLinks bool
host string
cdnHost string
isFirstLogin bool
logoutUrl string
partnerParentId int
crmId string
referenceId string V
timeAlignedRenditions bool