Kaltura API

Service Name stats
Description Stats Service
Name Description
collect Will write to the event log a single line representing the event client version - will help interprete the line structure. different client versions might have slightly different data/data formats in the line event_id - number is the row number in yuval's excel datetime - same format as MySql's datetime - can change and should reflect the time zone session id - can be some big random number or guid partner id entry id unique viewer widget id ui_conf id uid - the puser id as set by the ppartner current point - in milliseconds duration - milliseconds user ip process duration - in milliseconds control id seek new point referrer KalturaStatsEvent $event
kmcCollect Will collect the kmcEvent sent form the KMC client // this will actually be an empty function because all events will be sent using GET and will anyway be logged in the apache log
reportError Use this action to report errors to the kaltura server.